Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Does it matter?

After the 3am advert, the VP innuendo, and the Sun-Times calling on Obama to "join Hillary in the gutter," the hot question amongst the talking heads seems to be: are Obama and Clinton tearing each other apart and thus paving the way for McCain in November?

No matter what the polls say remember what has happened so far in the primary:

Popular Vote (inc. FL & MI)
McCain: 7,453,596
Clinton: 13,721,977
Obama: 13,745,541

Note that following Super-duper-ultra-fantastic-yet-still-disappointing Tuesday, McCain has been the favorite to receive the nomination. Yet with such disappointing GOP turnout, clear apathy towards McCain amongst much of the evangelical base, and the leading purple state/conservatively vetted VP candidate spending too much time at the Green Iguana, McCain's got lots to worry about this Fall.

Update 3/13 - New Wall Street Journal/NBC poll finds that voters overwhelming prefer a Democrat to be elected president over a Republican by a margin of 50% to 37%. Although when asked for either candidate against McCain, both candidates show a statistical tie, this early result is a good indication that the Dems are in good shape when a candidate is finally chosen.

1 comment:

Janak said...

Zach! You're supposed to keep it a secret until after he chooses Crist as the running mate. Not that anybody reads this blog but people I drive-by-comment on their own blogs.