Wednesday, March 26, 2008

hillary, truth and right-wing conspiracy - from Sekhar

Not much is written about how the Clintons have reached out to the people who hounded them most fiercely during the 90's. Hillary's attempt to revive the Wright story in Pittsburgh is helping to bring it back.

TPM points out that when Clinton made her remark about Wright, she was being interviewed by Richard Mellon Scaife's newspaper, with him present -- photo at TPM. Marc Ambinder mocks the Clinton-publicized American Spectator article claiming McPeak (Obama's advisor) is anti-Semitic.

The New Republic points out that Clinton is strengthening her ties to the far right that demonized her and her husband ten years ago. Politico says that reporters knew Clinton's Bosnia story was bogus, but didn't report it until the video. The Obama camp is asking that Clinton reject a letter to Pelosi from her donors demanding that Pelosi state publicly that superdelegates (actually, all delegates) can make whatever decision they wish. The NY Times blog says that Carville stands by his Judas remark about Richardson. Carl Bernstein points out that Hillary has always had a problem with the truth.

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