Thursday, May 8, 2008

Buying time

And, following on the heels of my last post, why is Clinton trying to buy time? A May surprise? There are two options. One is that she really, really doesn't want to admit losing -- the Bush rationale for staying in Iraq. The other option is that she is going to ride the bash-Obama train as far as it will take her, in an effort to wound him for the general and set her up for 2012. That really seems too Machiavellian, especially for a campaign too incompetent to find an economist ready to shill for Clinton's gas tax holiday (and too incompetent even to come up with their own pandering idea). But we'll see. Clinton has no discernible motive anymore for bashing Obama -- it's not going to convince the superdelegates, the voters don't matter anymore -- so if she does, then something is up.

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