Monday, May 5, 2008


I noticed today that Demconwatch's delegate count (taken from Greenpapers) says that Obama and Clinton both have a fractional number of pledged delegates. Turns out this has been the case at least since April 12, when Democrats Abroad finished their allocation of 4.5 to Obama and 2.5 to Clinton. There are 4048 total delegates total. Usually, "50%+1" is a majority, but here, because DA split their votes fractionally, and there are still more superdelegates with fractional votes undecided, 2024.5 is a majority that either of the candidates might achieve. Currently, Obama has a fractional pledged count and a whole superdelegate count, while Clinton has fractions on both, and so a whole total.

Unfortunately, 1/2 is the smallest fractional delegate allowed for the convention -- although on the Credentials Committee, Guam has .25 of a vote.

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