Friday, April 18, 2008

Dirt off his shoulders - from Sekhar

The ABC debate was ridiculous, the only positive aspect being that it was a preview of Republican attacks in the fall. Memorable: Clinton invoking 9/11 no less than three times; the moderators' view that people who make $200,000 a year ought not to pay higher taxes; their disapproval of Obama's reasonable approach to stabilizing Social Security (right now, people pay a percent of income but not for what they earn over $100,000; Obama would remove the cap).

Videos: a TalkingPointsMemo compilation of the worst. An Obama Jay-Z mix, called a mash-up I gather. Obama's reaction next day.

Articles: Clinton and 9/11 at Politico. The Nation goes into Obama's shoulder gesture. FAIR goes through the debate questions. The NY Times discusses Ayres. The Post hated the debate. Greg Mitchell (Huffington) and Will Bunch (Philadelphia Daily News) slam ABC and the moderators.

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