Saturday, October 18, 2008
US exceptionalism
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Greatest strength = greatest weakness?
It happened in the 1980s, when we loosened restrictions on Savings and Loans and appointed regulators who ignored even these weaker rules. Too many S&Ls took advantage of the lax rules set by Washington to gamble that they could make big money in speculative real estate. Confident of their clout in Washington, they made hundreds of billions in bad loans, knowing that if they lost money, the governmentI wonder who constituted their "clout" in Washington? And then later in the speech:
would bail them out. And they were right. The gambles did not pay off, our economy went into recession, and the taxpayers ended up footing the bill. Sound familiar?
We can’t have a situation like the old S&L scandal where its “heads” investors win, and “tails” taxpayers lose. That’s going to take ending the lobbyist-driven dominance of these institutions that we’ve seen for far too long in Washington.It would be very daring on Obama's part, but attacking head-on McCain's membership in the Keating Five (which, by the way, is far more direct than Obama's connection to Bill Ayers) might be a very effective attack.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Lieberman's Grammar
And in my opinion, the choice could not be more clear; between one candidate, John McCain, who has experience and has been tested in war and tried in peace, and another candidate that has not. Between one candidate, John McCain, who has always put his country first, worked across party lines to get things done, and one candidate that has not. Between one candidate that's a talker and one candidate who's the leader America needs as our next president. [emphasis added]I've never noticed this before, but maybe it's more common than I realize. Still, with Lieberman's construction, he has four pairs of "that" and "who," and it really looks glaring. Maybe no worse than "Democrat Congress" -- I wonder when Lieberman will fall into that.
Conspiracy Theory
Friday, June 20, 2008
Guaranteed Loss for Obama
Pardonable offenses
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
In Four Years
Monday, June 2, 2008
right and left both attack obama: from Sekhar
Curiously, and this is perhaps a reflection of the state of the left historically, some don't share this understanding. They demand a platform acceptable to the left. I am not sure whether they actually fantasize that it is possible to win an election in the US on a [left]-friendly platform; a modicum of knowledge about where this country has gone in the past thirty-odd years should make the fantasy part very clear. The alternative is that they don't in fact care whether Obama wins or not, as long as he says all the right things.
There are three issues that are (and should be) very important to the left, but which will certainly sink any candidacy - Palestine, Cuba, Affirmative Action. I am confident, based on Obama's life experience, that he will be good on all three issues. Anyone who wants to debate the point should at a minimum read his first book.
At the same time, because of his progressive background, Obama cannot allow himself to be defined as beyond the pale (to use another meaning of the word). The right wing would love to hammer away on any one of these three topics and force him to defend himself day in and day out. Obama has to push these topics to the side so that the focus can remain on what Bush
has done to Iraq, to the economy, and to civil liberties. This means he has to say what is acceptable to most people - on these three issues, that is not what leftists would find acceptable. Most leftists undestand this and support Obama. Some, unfortunately, don't and spend their time hacking away.
The most recent example is Obama in Miami. It could just as well be AIPAC, which is coming up. What Obama said to the Cuban audience is not what I would like to say to them, but I am not trying to win Florida (or any place else). Obama wants to win that state along with many others. Two significant voting blocs there are Cubans and elderly Jews. There are quite a few in
both communities who will never vote for Obama because they are racist. The New York Times story talks about the racism of some of the older Jews. Likewise with the Cubans, where the situation is much more hopeless. The Jewish community, contrary to what the Times story says, has been quite steady in its support for Democratic candidates, second only to Blacks; the
Cubans are mostly reactionary. So why does Obama tell the Cubans he will keep the embargo for now? The topic has to be off the headlines. That is all.
Actually, there is more. Obama has made the debate to be about diplomacy. He has said he will negotiate with all world leaders, friend or not. He has been denounced by the right wing, and also by the Clintons, for this view. There are three things to be said about this. One is that it shows how backward US politics is, that even talking to adversaries is a big deal. Two, it is a debate that Obama can win, by appealing to people's common sense. Three, if Obama proposes actual solutions now like the dismantlement of settlements or normalization of relations, that will be the end of his candidacy.
These points all came out even in the way Obama's speech was received. We can all wish he had spoken differently. But the NY Times, for instance, focused on Obama wanting to meet with the Cuban leadership:
MIAMI - Senator Barack Obama on Friday called for greater engagement with Cuba and Latin America, saying the long-standing policies of isolation have failed to advance the interests of the United States or help people who have suffered under oppressive governments.Sure, Obama could have said he would immediately lift the embargo. That will satisfy us leftists and make us feel good, but it will be futile. Obama won't win and the embargo will stay in place. The way Obama framed the issue, the general public will support him.
In a speech before an influential Cuban-American group here, Mr. Obama said he would meet with the Cuban leader, Raúl Castro, "at a time and place of my choosing." He derided Senator John McCain and other Republican critics as embracing what he called hard-line approaches that have failed.
"John McCain´s been going around the country talking about how much I want to meet with Raúl Castro, as if I´m looking for a social gathering or I´m going to invite him over and
have some tea," Mr. Obama said. "That´s not what I said, and John McCain knows it. After eight years of the disastrous policies of George Bush, it is time to pursue direct diplomacy, with friend and foe alike, without preconditions."
Of course, the Cuban leadership in Miami is not going to support him. They are reactionaries, bound to the Republican party. They will never support Obama, or any other Democrat. But they didn't dominate the discourse in the coverage. The left should recognize when one of their own controls the debate so well.
A few more Times excerpts from the piece about Florida Jews:
"The people here, liberal people, will not vote for Obama because of his attitude towards Israel," Ms. Weitz, 83, said, lingering over brunch.The article goes on to say, "[b]ut in recent presidential elections, Jews have drifted somewhat to the right." This has been disputed on various blogs. The percent of Jews voting for Republicans has not changed much in over twenty years; the Democratic vote has fluctuated somewhat, perhaps because of Ross Perot in 92 and 96.
"They´re going to vote for McCain," she said.
Ms. Grossman, 80, agreed with her friend´s conclusion, but not her reasoning.
"They´ll pick on the minister thing, they´ll pick on the wife, but the major issue is color," she said, quietly fingering a coffee cup. Ms. Grossman said she was thinking of voting for Mr. Obama, who is leading in the delegate count for the nomination, as was Ms. Weitz.
But Ms. Grossman does not tell the neighbors. "I keep my mouth shut," she said.
Then, there are the false stories, many of which are circulated by Israel fanatics (the Times doesn't say so):
Mr. Obama is Arab, Jack Stern´s friends told him in Aventura. (He´s not.)As with other ethnic groups, age is an important factor. Many Jews in Florida are older, having moved there after retirement.
He is a part of Chicago´s large Palestinian community, suspects Mindy Chotiner of Delray. (Wrong again.)
Mr. Wright is the godfather of Mr. Obama´s children, asserted Violet Darling in Boca Raton. (No, he´s not.)
Al Qaeda is backing him, said Helena Lefkowicz of Fort Lauderdale (Incorrect.)
Michelle Obama has proven so hostile and argumentative that the campaign is keeping her silent, said Joyce Rozen of Pompano Beach. (Mrs. Obama campaigns frequently, drawing
crowds in her own right.)
Mr. Obama might fill his administration with followers of Louis Farrakhan, worried Sherry Ziegler. (Extremely unlikely, given his denunciation of Mr. Farrakhan.)
Younger Jews have grown up in diverse settings and are therefore less likely to be troubled by Mr. Obama's associations than their elders, said Rabbi Ethan Tucker, 32, co-founder of a Jewish learning organization in Manhattan and the stepson of Senator Joseph I. Lieberman ofLieberman won't support any Democrat; it is interesting that his stepson, an orthodox rabbi, is for Obama.
Connecticut. Rabbi Tucker said he had given money to Mr. Obama and would vote for him in the fall. "If association was the litmus test of identity, everyone would be a hopeless mishmash of confusion, or you´d have no friends," he said.
This is Obama's accomplishment, and that is what is going to help him become President, not just his progressive politics.
Here are some articles about attacks from the right -- in the Washington Post, lies we will hear about Obama. From Politico, viral emails forcing Obama to emphasize his American roots. One trusts the left is as smart as the right and can see who should be attacked and who should be supported.
More articles: from Newsweek, an attempt to show that not supporting Obama correlates with racist attitudes. Along the same lines, an Al Jazeera report on racism in Kentucky. tries to answer itself.
Obama's massive rally in Portland (60,000) opened with a local indie band, the Decemberists who, it is said, often open with the Soviet national anthem. Some rightwing blogs think the choice of the band shows Obama's politics.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Where's the DNC memo?
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Is McCain really even with Obama?
Friday, May 23, 2008
Irrational cable pricing
Monday, May 12, 2008
Three-way Left Irrationality towards Obama: from Sekhar
The second line of attack is that Obama was progressive once but has sold out. This is again idealism, ignoring the real-life problems faced by a radical and how one manages to deal with them while remaining progressive. McKinney, for instance, has so little political savvy she could not even hold on to her seat against another black candidate.
The Sunday NY Times has a long article on Obama in Chicago. It can be read in multiple ways. A pure leftist can read it as the story of a sell-out. I read it as how a man with good politics learned how to work in the system to do good. I was at a local community function on Sunday. They were honoring local people who were "good neighbors." The person who runs the group gave a talk, whose main point was that Obama's rise is about the importance of community organizing from the bottom up. I found one of his points very interesting - when Obama went to Chicago and began his community work (1984?), he found few takers for militant action; local blacks pointed out they had just elected the first black mayor, Harold Washington. Obama had to adapt to a reality different from what he had imagined for an oppressed black community.
The third line of attack is to call the Obama movement personality-based or charisma-based (the left may be too polite to say cult), and not a movement for social change. I am sure there are a few teens (and some older) who are like cult-followers. But the people who put their careers on hold to work for Obama are not just following the personality. Frank Rich has a vastly better-written account, also in the Sunday Times.
When one and a half million people contribute to a political campaign, and when, in quite a few states, more people vote in the primary than Kerry got in the general election in 2004, the Left should take it seriously.
The issue that drives so many is Iraq. The anti-war movement chose Obama because he was an early and consistent opponent. The NY Times article expresses surprise that, in his 2002 speech, he said he didn't oppose all wars. The reporter doesn't realize that people against the Iraq invasion are not anti-all wars. I was reminded of Cindy Sheehan who does fit the reporter's idea of an anti-war figure. A few years back, she spoke at the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade program in New York. Speaking to an audience of people who had supported the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War (many with their lives) and then enlisted in the Second World War, and their descendants and admirers, Sheehan expressed her opposition to all wars, including the Second - not the best venue to express such a stupid thought. But I digress.
Returning to Iraq, is a good example. I understand it was started by people who opposed Clinton's impeachment, the name coming from the sentiment to criticize Clinton for his behavior but to "move on" to other issues. The organization was supportive of the Clintons for several years. But Hillary's support of the Iraq invasion and general saber-rattling led to their endorsing Obama. This happened because Move-On is in fact a democratic organization.
Obama has just launched Vote for Change, a 50-state effort to energize the public, not just for this election but beyond it. One has to wait and see how these movements evolve. But to deride them for not fitting in with a preconceived notion of a "social movement" is to jump to conclusions prematurely.
The Sunday NY Times also had an article claiming that the negative campaigning by the Clintons with help from Jeremiah Wright has made Obama a better candidate for November. I think that is correct; it is far better that Wright came out now and not later. However, for whatever reason, the Clinton campaign did not raise the Palestinian question. We can be sure that will be a big issue for the Republicans, both to move Israel-supporters away from the Democratic party and also to link Obama to Islamic terrorism. McCain is already talking about Hamas endorsing Obama. The Times Obama profile gives a reasonable account of Obama's interactions with Palestinians.
Clinton's loan
Sunday, May 11, 2008
clinton pre-mortems: from Sekhar
details. Time has "The Five Mistakes Clinton Made," but there is no mention of Iraq. Others have discussed her refusal to apologize for her vote authorizing Bush to invade Iraq.
But it is still about tactics. That she authorized Bush because she would want similar powers if/when she became President, that she continued to support US occupation - these are not mentioned.
Even on a tactical level, that she relied on large donors instead of using the Internet, and that she focused on large primary states instead of smaller states and caucus states are viewed as tactical errors. Thisanalysis is fundamentally wrong. Over a year ago, I met friends of my daughter who were already working full-time for Obama, willing to travelfrom state to state, spending a few weeks in each place. There have been repeated stories in the media about graduate students (including Indians) who have suspended their careers to campaign for Obama, and about people in different communities spontaneously organizing support groups (with advice from It is this groundswell of support that made it possible for Obama to rely on the Internet and to campaign in every state, small and large. The media completely overlook the movement aspect of the Obama campaign, focusing instead on details, as if Clinton could have matched Obama on the Web if only she had a better site, succeeded in caucus states if only she had spent some money there, etc.
I also found the NY Times story I posted earlier very interesting - that the tactics associated with Bill Clinton in the 90's were often executed with Hillary's enthusiastic participation. That explains the ruthlessness of the present campaign as not just Bill's doing. It also explains her continued negative campaign. She has released a letter to Obama on resolving Florida and Michigan, but it has more attacks than any actual solutions. More significant is the USA Today interview with the explicit racial comment (below).
From the letter:
When efforts were untaken by leaders in those states to hold revotes to ensure that they had a voice in selecting our nominee, I supported those efforts. In Michigan, I supported a legislative effort to hold a revote that the Democratic National Committee said was in complete compliance with the party's rules. You did not support those efforts and your supporters in Michigan publically opposed them. In Florida a number of revote options were proposed. I am not aware of any that you supported.But not just any resolution:
Your commitment to the voters of these states must be clearly stated and your support for a fair and quick resolution must be clearly demonstrated.
It is not enough to simply seat their representatives at the convention in Denver.The Michigan Democratic leadership, which supports Clinton, have made a proposal but Clinton has rejected it. Clinton is urging not only that delegations from those two states be
seated, but seated in full (and without Obama receiving any delegates
at all from Michigan, where his name was not on the ballot).
USA Today has an audio link to the racial comments, which are remarkable for suggesting that (1) all hard-working Americans are white, and (2) poor whites will not vote for Obama. Jon Stewart had a good segment on it last night. Daily Kos has a post challenging the factual basis of Clinton's comment that Obama's vote share in any white group is declining, but I am skeptical that he has the right subgroup data. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, a Clinton supporter, is saying the same thing:
Senator Clinton continues to demonstrate that she has what it takes to win the Presidency ... while Senator Obama does well in areas and demographic groups that the Democratic nominee will win anyway. She has my full support, as she is the best candidate ... and would be the best President of the United States.This is the argument reduced to its essentials. Blacks will always vote for a Democrat, so you worry only about the white vote. One commenter at the tboblogs site says:
Posted by Justin Randolph, Miami, FL on 05/09 at 11:26 AMEugene Robinson at the Washington Post also writes about Clinton's arrogance.
Rep. Wasserman-Schultz is very confused if she thinks that African-Americans will vote for Clinton if she walks into Denver trailing by every measure and walks out the nominee because enough people buy her argument that America is just too racist to vote for the black guy. Not only wouldn’t African-Americans come out to vote, the next generation of Dems who are lining up in droves to vote for Obama wouldn’t come out either. Democrats would lose the ability to win the presidency for at
least a generation.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Buying time
June 15th is too late
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Definitely not 2,209
Post-election: from Sekhar
The Washington Post's election results -- Clinton is claiming 2209 is the number of delegates now. Another article from the Post about Obama's campaign strategy after Pennsylvania. The Huffington Post has an article comparing Obama's willingness to admit imperfection with his opponents' cut-throat style. The AP story about nuns turned away from a polling place. TPM on Clinton's continued obfuscation about her husband's foundation. The Guardian's Michael Tomasky on Hillary's right turn. Carl Bernstein on Hillary's Bill Ayers tactics. Juan Cole on "obliteration." John Pomfret (great name) blogs at the Washington Post about Hillary's China-bashing. Daily Kos on Hillary's "50 years in Iraq" quote. Ellen Ladowsky at the Huffington Post thinks Hillary is delusional. The NY Times on Clinton's fighting style.
Kentucky now an important state
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
That was not a shot
Monday, May 5, 2008
Unfortunately, 1/2 is the smallest fractional delegate allowed for the convention -- although on the Credentials Committee, Guam has .25 of a vote.
Prosecuting racism
Some crime experts say that the disparities exist for sound reasons. For example, said Heather MacDonald, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute in New York, blacks and Hispanics are more often involved than whites in the distribution and sale of heroin and cocaine.
Ms. MacDonald said it made sense for the police to focus more on fighting visible drug dealing in the inner city, largely involving minorities, than on hidden use in suburban homes, more often by whites, because the urban street trade is more associated with violence and other crimes and impairs the quality of life.
Don't throw sand in our eyes by talking about distribution and sale! Let's talk about simple drug possession. Of course, we need the breakdowns by drug and by prior record to really make a case, but let's not confuse the issue -- on drug possession alone, blacks are treated unfairly.
And that unfairness isn't limited to likelihood of arrest -- it extends to likelihood of conviction given arrest.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
More credentials minutiae
A. Any challenge brought before the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee and not resolved before the 56th calendar day preceding the date of commencement of the Democratic National Convention; and,
B. Any challenge alleging:
1. Failure to implement a final order of the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee; or
2. Failure to implement a plan approved by the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee, if such challenge is initiated on or after the 56th day preceding the date of commencement of the Democratic National Convention, except with regard to Rule 19.E. of the Delegate Selection Rules.
Thus, if the RBC rules against Clinton, it's not clear from this text that Clinton can appeal it to the Credentials Committee -- it won't be a challenge at all, first off, because you "challenge" the credentials of seated delegates, which is the opposite of what Clinton wants. And a challenge alleging failure to follow RBC orders won't work, because that's what she's appealing in the first place. On the other hand, if the Rules and Bylaws Committee does seat the delegates, Obama can appeal back to the RBC, and, so long as the appeal isn't resolved by June 30 (56 days before the convention starts), the Credentials Committee will hear it. Of course, I may be reading the above passage too narrowly, in which case any challenge, whenever made, will be heard, and not just ones that went through the RBC.
"Nuclear" option
The next stage, as Edsall says, would be a challenge at the Credentials Committee. There, Obama is leading by various amounts -- here's a spreadsheet with the numbers. Obama is leading by 11.5 with all state delegates included (bizarrely, FL and MI will be seated on the Credentials Committee), and MI's three uncommitted going for him. However, FL members cannot vote on the FL challenge, and likewise for MI members. Obama's lead goes up to 13.5 for the FL challenge, and stays even for the MI challenge, except that the "uncommitteds" now in his column go away, as do 3 members in Clinton's column. Since Obama's lead will almost certainly stay the same through the rest primary process, that means that Dean's 25 appointees would have to break 19-6 for Clinton to seat MI, and 20-5 to seat FL. That is clearly a very unlikely scenario.
Thus, we can see that, even if Clinton wins the RBC fight, she will almost certainly lose the Credentials Committee fight. What happens after that? The Credentials Committee report, along with a "minority report," dissenting from the decision, goes to the full convention. And here's where things get more tricky: by VII.B.1. of the DNC's Rules,
The Secretary of the Democratic National Committee shall determine a Temporary Roll of delegates to the Convention which shall consist only of those persons selected and certified as delegates in accordance with the Rules and pursuant to this Call, unless a credentials contest shall have arisen with respect to any such person(s), in which case the Secretary shall include on the Temporary Roll the name of the credentials contestant recommended for inclusion by the Credentials Committee in its report.
Since Obama will win the Credentials Committee fight, the delegates voting to approve the Credentials Committee plan will not include FL and MI (who wouldn't be able to vote on their own states' delegates anyway).
So where does this leave us? Clinton can't win this battle as it stands. She could drop a nuclear bomb by convincing the RBC to seat FL and MI as they stand, but it would almost certainly be overturned by a Credentials Committee controlled by Obama, and upheld by Convention delegates supporting Obama. More likely would be some sort of compromise -- penalizing FL and MI half their delegates, etc. That might be politically harder to overturn. The question will be, if the RBC denies her, will she continue to fight it, knowing that she will lose at the convention? That will say a lot about her goals for this campaign.
Clinton's Indiana-China problem
There were two factories, in Anderson and Valparaiso (note the misspelling in the Clinton press release). The Anderson factory was closed in 2001, and there was no fuss at all about it. I have a link to the original AP article text, with no mention of any legislators protesting. The protests came when the Valparaiso factory, which the Chinese company hadn't bought until 2000, after the original sale had gone through, was closed. So here's the question. If the factories were supposed to remain open until 2005, then why weren't there protests when the Anderson factory was closed? Because, according to a disreputable-looking source from 2003, the source of the guarantee was just an agreement the union had with GM, and tried to have with the Chinese company. It wasn't negotiated into the sale agreement.
Let me be clear: I don't really care that the Chinese make our magnets -- various experts have said that it's not really a risk. The issue is just about plant closings, and there, Clinton is being disingenuous. There was no government-enforced guarantee that the Anderson plant would remain open. Now, even on the subject of the plant closings, I'm not disagreeing with the Clinton Administration's actions, but Hillary Clinton is misrepresenting those actions. The Valparaiso protests by Bayh and others were on the grounds of national security, not job loss -- and this is not a national security issue, it is a job loss issue.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Switching sides
Black groups are already warning that this would be unacceptable -- Sam Stein at Huffington says that a group called Color of Change is starting a petition to tell superdelegates not to deny Obama the nomination, and McClatchy has an article about black voters staying home if Obama doesn't get the nomination. We'll see whether everyone finds it unacceptable.
The way, of course, that people make it "unacceptable" that Obama loses is by turning on their elected politicians who didn't help. Now, Clinton needs those elected politicians -- she needs basically every DNC member who hasn't declared just to draw even, and so she has to hold on to her congressmen, governors, etc. Will superdelegates who represent populations that went 65-35 for Obama really be willing to stand up to that? Maybe Charles Rangel, but he's somewhat unique.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Which superdelegates?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Philip Roth was always first
Start with a "relief pitcher" who works approximately two innings . . .
80 more superdelegates
All this is to say that, if Obama gets 80 more non-add-on superdelegate endorsements, the add-ons alone will almost certainly put him over the top. It may take until June 21st, when Nebraska picks its add-on, but as soon as 80 more come in, it's a done deal.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Food shortages = better info for travelers
Friday, April 25, 2008
How many superdelegates are left?
What's the significance of this? Assuming Obama and Clinton split the add-ons, and endorsements by superdelegates whose states have not voted yet also split, Clinton is going to have to win something like 2/3 of the remaining delegates to pull ahead. In other words, the 300 uncommitted superdelegates the candidates are wooing is really much more like 200.
Ayers, popular vote nonsense - from Sekhar
It is also interesting that Clinton's losses between Ohio and Pennsylvania are not mentioned; it is as if she keeps winning. Wyoming and Mississippi have disappeared from media consciousness. On May 6, if Clinton should win Indiana, that will be a bigger deal than Obama winning by a much bigger margin in North Carolina with a much bigger population (115 delegates to 72).
Kos attacks the lie that Clinton is winning in popular vote. He and Mark Nickolas at politicalbase go through the Clinton campaign's statements in favor of delegates over the last few months, changed now that they are losing in delegates.
Also, here are some Ayers-related articles: Chicago mayor Richard Daley defends Obama and Ayers. So does the Chicago Tribune, which also has a profile of him. The Chicago media in general doesn't care. Some photos with Ayers as well.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Superdelegate misconception
He also rejected the suggestion that publicly undecided superdelegates start declaring themselves now as a way of wrapping up the nomination race. “What if the undecided go 50-50? You’re in the same position,” Hoyer said.This is just not true. If all the undecided superdelegates declared now, and at least 120 (out of 300) went for Obama, he would win the nomination by June. In fact, he would probably win the nomination by May. Saying that superdelegates will "decide" the race only means that they could make either Obama or Clinton the winner, not that if they favor one candidate, that candidate will win. Clinton has to be favored by a significant margin of superdelegates, because Obama has a significant margin of pledged delegates.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Metrics, and May 6
But what is the point of all these ways of judging who's on top? The issue all along has been, will there be any conceivable way that the remaining undecided superdelegates can tip the election to Clinton without provoking a civil war in the party? The answer is no. Is there a way that the undecided superdelegates can tip the election to Obama without provoking a civil war? Yes. They can do what they're doing -- trickle in for the candidates, making as little an impact as possible. We're down to 305 undecided, according to demconwatch.
But given that the superdelegates are not going to tip the election to Clinton, what is the point of her staying in? We can speculate, but the fact remains, Clinton is going to stay in until she is forced out. How can that happen? If the superdelegates tip the election to Obama. So the question will be, at what point is the decision made that the harm being done to the party (and Obama, the eventual nominee) outweighs the bad feelings of the superdelegates running Clinton out? I think that point comes on May 6. Assuming Obama performs to expectations in NC, after May 6, Clinton will once again be over 600k votes down, and more than 150 delegates down. At that point, Clinton supporters may realize the inevitable, along with the media, allowing the superdelegates to act without repercussions. The point of the popular vote analysis below, and other calculations of this kind, is not to legitimize Clinton camp arguments, but to show that, no matter what, there is no way to give the nomination to Clinton without overturning "the will of the people," any reasonable way you define it.
PA primary analysis - from Sekhar
The net effect on delegate count is pretty small - Clinton got 84 delegates and Obama 74. Two weeks from now are North Carolina and Indiana.
Andrew Sullivan points out that white women are still the Clinton stronghold. Matthew Yglesias takes issue with the claim that Obama can't expand his coalition, and also points out that NC matters. Sullivan quotes Dick Morris on how the structure of PA favored Clinton. Daily Kos has a "letter" to Obama surrogates urging them to attack the concept of the popular vote being important. Sullivan mentions this New Republic piece on Plouffe, Obama's campaign manager -- his delegate predictions from February have been dead on. Tom Hayden wants to know why Clinton is disowning her roots.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
What Clinton needs now
Going by the averages for all the remaining states (which are almost certainly going to tighten -- in Kentucky, she's ahead by 32%, which is way too high a lead for anyone not named Barbaro), and the turnout averages for the states so far, she ends up down about 200k at the finish without counting caucus estimates, Michigan, or Florida. Including caucus estimates and Florida, it's a squeaker -- Obama may be up 20k, or maybe he's down a few hundred votes. This assumes she wins PR by 13%, that the turnout in PR is 2 million, as it was in 2004 for the governor's race, that she wins Oregon, etc.
As the polls tighten, her ending deficit will go up and up. Basically, she's in the same position as before in terms of what she needs to win, but now even blowouts aren't enough to carry her over the top without Florida. We'll see whether Dems buy the argument that the popular vote in Florida should count, even if the delegates don't.
Beating the spread
Better update: Talking points memo points out the above, as well as claiming that the AP's numbers are probably better than the official returns, at least for now. Since both sets of numbers are below 54.74% for Clinton, the analysis above stands. They're both above 54.5% also, although the official returns are at 54.587%, so conceivably that could shift below 54.5%, at which point it would become a 54/46 result, with rounding.
Bloomberg is wrong, but Clinton still needs help
To do this number-crunching, there's no need for a Bloomberg article -- just go to Jay Cost's calculator at realclearpolitics. You can see that, if Pennsylvania gets 2 million voters today, and they go for Clinton by 15%, and she wins by 20 in PR, and everything else breaks her way, she could conceivably pass Obama if you don't count caucus estimates.
This will all be settled tonight, though, probably. If Clinton doesn't beat Obama by about 300,000 votes, her popular vote hopes are toast. In other words, Clinton needs not a 10-point victory, but a 15-point victory and record turnout. Anything else, and she's done. And note that high turnout might well favor Obama, since it will likely mean that the new Democrats (who disproportionately back Obama) are making an impact.
What to Expect in Penn
- Zogby: Clinton +10
- Rassmussen: Clinton +5
- Insider Advantage: Clinton +10
- Suffolk: Clinton +10
- Public Policy Polling: Obama +3
- Strategic Vision: Clinton +7
- Quinnipiac: Clinton +7
- SurveyUSA: Clinton +6
- American Research Group: Clinton +13
- Mason-Dixon: Clinton +5
Monday, April 21, 2008
Clinton Needs Record Margins, Turnout to Catch Obama
After more than 40 Democratic primaries and caucuses, Obama, the Illinois senator, leads Clinton by more than 800,000 votes. Even if the New York senator wins by more than 20 percentage points tomorrow -- a landslide few experts expect -- she would still have a hard time catching him....Not at all certain? I assume they mean almost impossible, assuming Barack's campaign doesn't somehow implode. Obama has been consistently polling 13+ points over Clinton in North Carolina and looks to handily take S.D. and Oregon (although polling has been sparse). Additionally, Obama has about 5 times the amount of cash on hand, something that will all but prevent a 20 point win in any of those Clinton-must-dominate states (maybe with the exception of Puerto Rico). Anyway, more from Bloomberg:
To earn that split decision, though, Clinton would need a 25-point victory in Pennsylvania, plus 20-point wins in later contests in West Virginia, Kentucky and Puerto Rico. Even that scenario assumes Clinton, 60, would break even in Indiana, North Carolina, South Dakota, Montana and Oregon -- a prospect that's not at all certain.
More than just big margins, Clinton would need record voter turnout too. In Pennsylvania, she would need a turnout of 2 million, about half the state's registered Democrats; in the 2004 primary, about 800,000 voted. She would also need turnout to almost double in other states where she leads, and reach some 1 million in Puerto Rico, which is about how many Democratic- leaning voters went to the polls in a 2004 gubernatorial election. The territory, known for its high turnout, didn't have a presidential primary that year.
In Pennsylvania -- where a Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll gave her just a five-point margin last week -- Clinton would need to win a strong majority of the state's suburban voters, about half of male voters, three-quarters of the rural vote and probably 70 percent of white voters, says Chris Borick, director of the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion in Allentown. She would also have to erode Obama's strength among black voters and college students...
To shrink Obama's 800,000 popular-vote margin, the Clinton campaign argues for the inclusion of votes cast in Michigan and Florida... There's almost no chance that party officials will give credence to those results. ``No one is going to buy the argument that you have to count Michigan and Florida,'' says Allan Lichtman, a professor of political history at American University in Washington. ``Those were not contested primaries.''Right... so what's the argument for staying in the race?
Instead, Clinton's slim prospects may rest on persuading enough of the 795 superdelegates that she has the better chance of defeating McCain... Polls on the general election don't support the case that Clinton would make the stronger national candidate; they show little difference in head-to-head match-ups between McCain, the 71-year-old Arizona senator and presumptive Republican nominee, and either Clinton or Obama.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Bitter politics - no room for intelligence: from Sekhar
Mayhill Fowler, who broke the "bitter" story, has audio and a partial transcript.
Obama responds in Indiana - video and transcript with link to video.
Obama said something similar four years back - video.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Dirt off his shoulders - from Sekhar
Videos: a TalkingPointsMemo compilation of the worst. An Obama Jay-Z mix, called a mash-up I gather. Obama's reaction next day.
Articles: Clinton and 9/11 at Politico. The Nation goes into Obama's shoulder gesture. FAIR goes through the debate questions. The NY Times discusses Ayres. The Post hated the debate. Greg Mitchell (Huffington) and Will Bunch (Philadelphia Daily News) slam ABC and the moderators.
Krugman vs. Herbert (also reality)
the shift of the Solid South from Democratic to Republican control in the wake of the civil rights movement” explains all — literally all — of the Republican success story.Huh. So you think maybe race is one reason some people won't vote for Obama? I wonder if that would be a touchy topic. Let's go to Obama's words:
. . . they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment . . .See what he did there? "antipathy to people who aren't like them . . ." Maybe, just maybe Obama was trying to say, as delicately as possible, that some of these voters are racist. It's a topic he really doesn't like discussing, because it's been used by the Clinton campaign (see: Ferraro, Rendell, et al) to raise doubts about his electability, and it's just not something that needs to be in the national consciousness, but when he's directly asked, by a group of supporters, "Why can't some Pennsylvania voters be won over?" he tries to say, maybe it's race.
Now, this point of view is not original. For instance, Bob Herbert's last column, appearing on the very same page Krugman's column does in the NY times, said:
Maybe Barack Obama felt he couldn’t afford to give the correct answer. . . it’s pretty widely understood that a substantial number of those voters . . . will not vote for a black candidate for presidentSo has Krugman suddenly become blind to race? What's going on here? If you want to criticize Obama from the left, you have to acknowledge what he was really talking about. And what he was really talking about is real, and no matter how mangled or incorrect his formulation, you have to acknowledge that. Which Krugman never did.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Republicans really don't get it
There's a case to be made that the economic prosperity of the U.S. has allowed socially conservative voters to neglect their economic interests. But during recessions/depressions? That's a different story.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Republicans heart Bush
Thursday, April 10, 2008
David Pogue is really weird
Please don't use the phrase "panning down" when describing your children.In a big elevator last week, my children began tickling each other, doubled over in laughter. The tiny Sony was in my coat pocket. I loved how it was ready to film nearly instantly when I opened the flip-out screen — (all three camcorders offer this standby mode).
Unfortunately, even when I mashed my back against the far wall of the elevator, all I got was the children’s faces. You couldn’t even see that they were tickling each other without panning down. It was supremely frustrating.
first Puerto Rico poll -- via Jusiper
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
realclearpolitics doesn't like ARG?
Sunday, April 6, 2008
It's certainly not bad news for Obama, and he can hope that enough will come down the pipe that he might be ahead of Clinton in superdelegates as well as pledged by the time Pennsylvania votes, but these are a little bit different from the usual superdelegates-- they're less signaling accumulation in momentum than cementing victories that he's already won.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Clinton's popular vote hope: Puerto Rico
Of course, it doesn't matter how many people vote if they don't vote for Clinton, and there's the rub. Basically, Clinton will need to pick up on the order of 400,000 votes (at least) from Puerto Rico. Even out of 2 million voters, that's a tall order -- 60/40 split. Can she do it? It's all just guessing until polls start coming out of there. But if they do, and they show Clinton with a 20+ point lead, then she does indeed have a shot of winning the popular vote nationwide, even without Florida and Michigan.
New Credentials Committee Issues
[The DNC announced that Florida and Michigan members] will be seated on the three standing committees -- including the critical Credentials Committee -- at the party's 2008 national convention, a position that could affect the selection of the Democratic nomineeAs Janak said, there's no real reason to believe that these representatives will force a full convention vote, but this news does not make the Credentials Committee as open and shut for Obama as it was according to traditional DNC Convention Rules.
While both states were stripped of their delegates to the convention, according to the DNC's interpretation of party rules, members from those states will be seated on the Credentials Committee. The Credentials Committee, which can meet prior to convention, resolves disputes over whether to seat delegates at the convention.
But the mere presence of Florida and Michigan on the credentials committee raises the prospect of vote-trading or last-minute maneuvering, creating potential confusion for a convention already shadowed by procedural controversies.
trivia of trivias
When the race will end
By pledged delegates, Clinton is around 159 delegates down. Giving her the most favorable difference ratings in the upcoming states (and splitting Guam 2-2, not that it matters), Obama will have an insurmountable (i.e., more than all the remaining delegates) lead after the Oregon/Kentucky primaries on May 20 -- I'm giving her a pickup of 18 in Pennyslvania, 6 in Indiana, loss of 9 in North Carolina, pickup of 8 in West Virginia, 15 in Kentucky, and 4 in Oregon. These are all from the most favorable for her recent opinion polls in those states that I could find.
These numbers are pretty stable. It will be almost impossible for Obama to have an insurmountable lead before May 20, because there are 189 delegates assigned on or after May 20, and his lead would have to grow by 30 delegates before then, which is impossible unless Clinton simply collapses. It will also be almost impossible for Obama not to have an insurmountable lead after May 20, because after May 20 there are only 86 delegates left to be assigned, and his lead of ~160 isn't going to be halved with an assignment of 480 delegates -- that would require Clinton win two-thirds of the delegates.
All these are subject to Obama not being hit by lightning or being found out as a secret Buddhist, of course. But barring that, Obama's pledged delegate lead will be impossible to beat on May 20. Then there are 11 days before Puerto Rico votes. Since Puerto Rico isn't a state, and Montana and South Dakota are red states, and so don't "count," Clinton's camp should be ok with the superdelegates making their decision on May 21.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Credentials Committee counting
The rules of the DNC say (VII.C, page 10, page 18 of pdf) that membership on the Credentials Committee is proportional to statewide preference, with delegates given in Appendix D. I've made a spreadsheet with the results. So far, it's 67.5 for Obama, and 52.25 for Clinton (the territories get .25 votes each). One would expect him to hold this lead pretty much unchanged. He may lose 1 in Indiana (3 delegates), 1 in West Virginia (1 delegate), and maybe 2 in Pennsylvania (7 delegates), but he'll probably pick up in South Dakota and Montana (1 each). So look for Obama to be up by at least 12 in state-picked delegates, out of a total 183.
Mark Ambinder has a list of credentials committee members selected by Dean, and thinks they're mostly Dean loyalists. Thus, assuming Clinton doesn't get a 19-6 split in Dean's people (very unlikely), she will have a minority of the credentials committee, and will not be able to pass any proposal to seat Florida and/or Michigan delegates.
As Greg Sargent says, 20% of the committee can force a full convention vote, but that would probably cause havoc. Clinton would need a straight up/down majority to win, and you'd imagine the uncommitted superdelegates would take the easy way out and abstain.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Jeremiah Wright - from Sekhar
Matthew Iglesias talks about Wright's Nagasaki reference. Andrew Sullivan on Wright and gays.
Another LA Times story on Wright. An LA Times story on Chicago residents' reactions to Wright. Clinton's pastor defends Wright. Excerpts from Clinton's pastor's Easter sermon. A piece by a former professor and parishioner of Wright's.
hillary, truth and right-wing conspiracy - from Sekhar
TPM points out that when Clinton made her remark about Wright, she was being interviewed by Richard Mellon Scaife's newspaper, with him present -- photo at TPM. Marc Ambinder mocks the Clinton-publicized American Spectator article claiming McPeak (Obama's advisor) is anti-Semitic.
The New Republic points out that Clinton is strengthening her ties to the far right that demonized her and her husband ten years ago. Politico says that reporters knew Clinton's Bosnia story was bogus, but didn't report it until the video. The Obama camp is asking that Clinton reject a letter to Pelosi from her donors demanding that Pelosi state publicly that superdelegates (actually, all delegates) can make whatever decision they wish. The NY Times blog says that Carville stands by his Judas remark about Richardson. Carl Bernstein points out that Hillary has always had a problem with the truth.
Obama's VP choice - from Sekhar
How is Obama going to win back the Hillary voters? On the assumption that most of the die-hard Hillary voters are supporting her not because of her policies (hard to distinguish from Obama's on the surface), or because they hate Obama (a lost cause anyway), but because they like the idea of a woman president, and object to Hillary's treatment in the campaign, a good way to do it would be to choose a woman (white, naturally) as a running mate. Not Hillary -- the Clinton's have done as much as they can to scotch that possibility. Katherine Sibelius of Kansas, despite her anemic response to the State of the Union, or Janet Napolitano, despite her inability to bring along Arizona, given McCain, are likely possibilities. If only Jennifer Granholm of Michigan hadn't backed Clinton. Of course, given the noises from Maria Cantwell in Washington about switching away from Clinton, who knows what will happen if Obama starts to put out feelers.